Caribbean Short Stories - Life Long Ago is a collection of fifteen short stories fashioned around the lives of Caribbean youths, particularly in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, in the nineteen forties, fifties and sixties. In “Riding on a Bus Long Ago”, you will delight in the melodrama of those who ventured on to a bus in the early days, travelling from the countryside to the city. The author has used her vivid memories and experiences to craft out aspects of her childhood years. Each story encapsulates events that took place in and around her life. Older readers are sure to find in these pages many nostalgic occurrences from their own lives. Younger readers are in for a delightful history lesson on the Vincentian/Caribbean culture and life long ago.
. The author, who uses the pseudonym, Rosa Veeta, was a dedicated primary school educator for 39 years. She started writing from the age of eight years. She is a voracious reader of books especially biographies and documentaries. She enjoys nature and is very active in her flower and vegetable gardens (her favourite hobby). She resides in St. Vincent and the Grenadines with her younger daughter and her dog, Josh who is “the love her life”.